07 suburban LS Oil gauge reads zero, check engine light on. Did oil change, reset engine light. Drove about a block or so light came back on. Is oil gauge sending unit same as oil pressure switch?
9 Answers
yes, the sending unit is the switch- sure is scary when that oil light comes on tho- please investigate this before you drive that beast much more-
Some newer GM engine owners are reporting loss of pressure caused by a clogged trap under the pressure switch. They say they are removing the switch and picking the trap screen out to find it sludged? I read several V8 truck owners discussing this. Cannot hurt to inspect yours and recheck your work.
Thank you, that helps me to make a clearer decision b4 I take it to dealer tomorrow. I have insurance but they dont cover that particular switch. I was gonna pay for labor only bcus I bought switch elsewhere but I think I will let them do a diagnostic..what do u think?
If the engine sounds normal , yes you can drive it there, get it checked, get that trap screen cleaned or replaced as they see fit. If you hear engine noise, shut it off. recheck everything and pressure test with hand held mechanical gauge.
The coverage issue could change if the causal part is found to be that internal engine part in the oil gallery. you could perhaps return the new part unused, and start fresh with a clean screen.
Ok..sounds like good advice..thk u..its greatly appreciated..
Is the trap screen extensive work? Where is trap screen located on my 2007 suburban?
They will know, but if you had the switch for the light removed, it is in the cavity leading to it. it stops the pressurized oil from keeping the switch preloaded open inside. my experience tells me. but picking it out of there, and having the thing reassembled correctly after repair may be affected by a bulletin I have not read.