why does the radio and usb port not work in my 2015 nissan versa note. no longer under warranty
Asked by TeganEllison May 19, 2016 at 02:13 PM about the 2015 Nissan Versa Note SR
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
my radio does not work at all. no power. nor does the usb port. fuses are all good and the warranty has expired. what could be the real problem?
30 Answers
Well the radio is fried for sure, if all of the fuses are good (assuming you checked the correct fuse panel). How many miles do you have on the car? The radio should be covered by manufacture warrantee 3year/36k miles.
TeganEllison answered 8 years ago
there is actually 60k miles on it and as far as I know there is only one fuse box in the entire car. I tried to find out if maybe there was another under the hood but after looking at the owners manual it doesn't appear to have any but the one on the drivers side left of the steering wheel. guess I just need to buy a whole new radio. This car has honestly been more trouble than it is worth. I would not recommend this car to anyone.... my enemies maybe. lol
Holy cow- 60k miles?!?!?
TeganEllison answered 8 years ago
it was used. I bought it in jan this year and it already had almost 50k on it already
I just had this same thing happen and took it to the dealer. The radio had to be reprogrammed. Whatever that means. They fixed it.
Usually the stereo will have a code request. It is unlikely that the stereo doesn't turn on at all, yet needs to be programmed. But hey, if that works definitely get it done
Perdana_1000 answered 8 years ago
I did what suckyversa did and it worked. thanks.
Unplugged the battery connector like suckyversa said on my 2015 Versa note with 19800 miles. Radio works now but the memory for stations etc was lost and needs to be reprogrammed.
apparently a common problem. I just had this happen for the second time. the first time the problem corrected itself. the second time was this am. I will have to try this
If I dissconnect battery in order for radio to reset, will it mess up other programs and sensors? Mine rafio display became fragmented one day and stopped working the next along with usb port, bluetooth and other plug (cig lighter type)
All7is7on7 answered 7 years ago
My 2015 Nissan Versa's radio just stop working also. I really disappointed with Nissan. I will never buy another one.
I'm still not sure what causes it, but disconnecting the battery for about 10 seconds seems to fix mine. I was recently told of a second fuse panel under the hood on the firewall. Hope this helps
Disconnecting get the battery worked for my 2014 versa. Thanks for the help.
The other fuse panel under the hood behind the battery and quite the bitch to get too video on YouTube
It's under the hood the 2nd fuse panel behind the battery quite the bitch to get too... YouTube has a video on it
This may sound a little crazy and I don't understand why although I no longer own the vehicle for whatever reason twice when mine did it it was when I turn the controls on the heater fan with the engine shut off. Don't know if it was just a coincidence or not
My 2010 Versa is having the same problem, but disconnecting the battery doesn't do anything.. the radio lights up, the ouside power mirror button doesnt work and power socket is dead.. need help
i would check fuses. On newer cars, occasionally the lights(clock) and the radio come from different power sources. There are a few Nissan forums online. Seems that the Versa has a multitude of radio issues
Worked like a charm! I check all the fuses the fuse panel cover says nothing about the radio. I figure I could have taken to the dealer and been charged about $200.00 for them to disconnect the battery and reconnect the battery. Jim
Taking off the battery cable fixed my problem as well. Thank you suckyversa for figuring it out, has any one had any battery issues?
Holy shit disconnecting and reconnecting the battery worked!
I still can't find a fix for this. Disconnected battery and checked all fuses. Radio still works at random times. I hear a click from the fuse box under the steering wheel to the left when it turns on and off. Dealership wants to put in a new oem radio for $3,000.
something to throw out there. I no longer own mine but I had this happen many times. not sure if it's a coincidence or not but the last 2 times, I distinctly remember playing with the blower motor setting after shutting off the car. didn't think much about it until a Nissan dealer told me virtually everything is tied together under the dash.
Don't take anything apart, or take it too the dealer, before you disconnect the negative battery cable, count to 5, reconnect and your radio will probably work. It's happened to me TWICE now! AND... I have no idea where the fuse for the radio is. It doesn't have a number for it in the fuse compartment.
WatahouseJA answered 4 years ago
there are actually three different areas where fuse boxes are located. The first and most obvious is the one in the cabin by the door. The second is the one under the hood that seems like a pain to get to. But a third set of fuses is in a compartment under the steering wheel inside the cab. I only saw this after I checked all the other fuses and changed them all and the I pulled out the radio looking for any other issue and saw fuses down inside the cavity where the radio came from. Yo can access them by removing the covering directly under your steering wheel.
Seems like I am having this issue as well. The battery soon had issues turning the starter so I trickle charged the battery for about 10 hrs. In the morning, the radio started working agian after 6 months but seemed like the starter needed an extra half second to start the engine. As soon as I got to work, turned off the car, and turned it back on. No more issues with the car starting but the radio will not work again. I will try disconnecting the battery.
WaterhouseJA after u found the now another fuse box under dashboard behind sterio did it fix your problem
2015 Nissan versa Note SV hatchback changed the battery and starter and changed all fuses still no radio dash lights windows don't start anyone