is just bad battery?
2 Answers
beatupchevy answered about a year ago
make sure battery cable/terminals are tight and in good shape , a smart charger can tell you batt condition , a dead frozen battery won't take a charge , use a memory saver if you disconnect it , Some chain stores will tell you a good battery is no good just to sell a new one , But if don't remember buying it and it's an old battery then a new one may be in order , Was something left on ?
Try to jump start it. If you still get absolutely nothing when the jumper cables are hooked up something else besides the battery is going on. Like a bad battery cable connection or a blown main fuse in the underhood fuse box. But if you get lights and it tries to crank, after having the jumper cables connected for a few minutes, the battery is dead. With the freezing cold weather we've been having across the country a battery that is older could easily go dead. Hope that helps! Jim