title in dead wife name?
Asked by GuruDZC374 Dec 04, 2023 at 01:42 PM about the 2015 Ford Escape Titanium AWD
Question type: General
wife is deceased title is in her name, I have death certific can I sell to car Gurus
without changing title to my name first?
2 Answers
beatupchevy answered about a year ago
I would think it has to be transferred to your name with the death certificate then you can sell it . But what do I know :? I signed all auto tittles I own in the event I die they can be sold to who ever gives a rats ass
Check with your local motor vehicle agency. Typically the executor of the estate signs the title and includes a copy of the death certificate for the new owner to take to the local motor vehicle agency. But laws vary from State to State. Jim