my wife used premium gas in my truck which takes regulas just wondering will that mess it up in anyway
2 Answers
demontoad117 answered 10 years ago
Honestly Ibiza all vehicles are originally tested with premium gas. Premium gas is just a cleaner gas than regular there are less deposits in premium as opposed to regular. All vehicles mpg rating is based on premium fuel consumption at a 91 octane as opposed to the standard 89 octane. So to answer your question, no premium fuel won't wreck your Yukon you may notice a jump in gas mileage, it won't be substantial but you will notice a slight increase, and you will also notice a bit of a horsepower boost. In the long haul if you switch the gas grade to much it will clogged ur injectors if you run just premium there will be less fuel deposits so less engine maintenance. I hope this was informative for you.