Headlight adjustment, How to??
3 Answers
raise hood look at top of headlight mounting area you will see the adj screws,they will be in upright position on both sides of light,their is 2 screws for each light.
Okay to solve this issue. on an eddie bauer if your looking at the headlight you have 2 retaining screws on top and a set screw that locks the headlight into place that is centerline vertical. None of those adjust your headlamp. If you look to the far left you will see a stud that uses a 4mm socket. that is the only way to adjust your headlamp up and down. Everything else that uses a 10mm socket is for mounting the headlamp only and DOES NOT adjust height nor left right angle. The headlamps on the 2003 model ford expedition are single direction adjustment.
Pop the headlight out by lifting up and back on the two tabs. Screw/unscrew the 3 screws that are attached to the headlight assembly. Reinstall the opposite way you removed it