What fuses control the cigerette lighter and accessories outlets?
6 Answers
2001 Ford Expedition If the fuse is bad ... it's not draining anything because the circuit is open and not closed Fuse F1 at the bottom left
He is right, a blown fuse will not run down the battery as no electricity passes through it... that is why it is blown. If your battery is running down, start checking for dome lights, under hood light, trunk light, or some other item that is on when the car is off.
Take a meter and remove the positive cable from the battery. Connect the meter cables in series with the battery cable and you will be able to see if there is a drain with everything turned off.
Unfortunately ... there is always a small drain if you have a remote. If you have a 60amp hour battery ,,,, that means you can use 60 amps for 1 hour or ~~1 amp for 60 hours or ~~~2 amps for 30 hours ... Any combination of amps x hours that = 60. My point is if you measure the drain with a series amp meter you should see a current (amps) of less than .01 amp .... or well above 1200ohms. If this is all Greek then with the engine running you should have about 14 volts between + and - at the battery. If the voltage is about 2 volts or lower the odds are your battery has a bad cell
If my cigarette lighter is not working on a 2001 ford expedition and the fuse is good what could it be
Lets try again after 2 years. Have you tried to replace the lighter receptacle? They do go bad and can possibly cause a slight drain. It seems you have eliminated fuses. You don't say if you have tried to check the drain on the battery as was suggested. If none of the above suggestions have helped then maybe it's time to get rid of your 16 year old SUV and maybe move up to a 2010