GMC 1990 Diesel 3/4 ton suburban.Dead batteries. Trickle charged for 2 hours. Trickle Charger was hot and charge up to 15. Car started up immediately idled for maybe 45 min. went dead again. I heard a low groan motor still running but no lights and gage not charging. It has been sitting 3 months. Has something leaked "evaporated" Not charging.
Truck won't start. Starter: click,click,click etc.Trickle Charger says 12
amps. After about 2 hours Trickle Charger up to 15 amps and Trickle
Charger was HOT. Batteries are fairly new. Truck been sitting in garage
not driven for 3 months. Water in Batteries. Busy, I let it idle for 45 min.
and then started to drive but head lights were dimming then went out
drove it 20 feet to park and it had a groaning with maybe a metal on metal
sound. Didn't see leak on floor. Its in good condition and has always been
reliable. It has had jingle bell sounds lately when accelerating & coasting.