2005 Honda Accord Steering Wheel shakes upon take off
Asked by jmedina1431 Jan 21, 2019 at 09:28 AM about the 2005 Honda Accord LX
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Hello, I just bought this 2005 Honda Accord and when I take off the steering
wheel wobbles left and right and once I hit 40 MPH or higher it stops and it
feels normal. Could it be the tires or the ball joints?
3 Answers
autorepairtips1 answered 6 years ago
Check tires first the May have bad spots take your hand and go around the tread of the tires you should not feel any humps they should be smooth
Best Answer
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jmedina1431 answered 6 years ago
Hello all, thank you for replies. It was the tires. Just put some new tires and the shakes went away.