i have a 2002 honda accord ex will not start or come out of park , security problem ?.
I have a problem with the park issue also the car will not start , both are related
, I went under the hood and just played around and my grandson was in the
car and I told him to crank it over a few times and it did not start , I
disconnected the distributer wire and cked it for power and had it there , I
plugged it back in and told him to crank it over and the car started , I drove the
car around the block and everything was fine ,I parked the car and the next
day got in it to start it and it would not start nor come out of park , these are
tied into each other because it started and drove it so it came out of park ,
now I am stuck with this issue , I cked all the fuses and all good , I have power
at the dist like I did before but not start again , this problem has to be tied into
each other , my guess is the security system some how is making this happen
is there anyone that has this issue , not just the one problem like the shifter not
coming out of park and the no start problem , I need to figure this out asap so
if anyone has some insight on this I can really use your help, I Know it has to
be a security issue my thing is can it be over riden so I can fix my problem,
Help , thanks it is the factory security system , 2002 honda accord ex 4 cyl
vtec .