Junk yard engine installation Honda Accord 2000 question
This question is for everyone in a similar
situation to learn from, here's the whole
I bought a car last year and within two
months the engine was overheating badly
and was diagnosed by a certified mechanic
to be the head gasket. I replaced the
radiator, hoses, head gasket, water pump
and Thermostat. One month later the
coolant was full of oil again and
overheating bad. It was than determined
that this was a defective engine (common
from 98-02 and no longer covered by
Honda) and the engine block was cracked.
They recommended a new car or a new
From here I spent about 6 months finding a
"junk yard engine" with low miles. Let me
warn you that this is a shady business.
They will lie if they think your incompetent
enough or they will just lie anyways
because there that crooked. There are
honest people, find them. After a bad
experience with one engine, I got a engine
for $460 including shipping with 135,000
miles -30,000 miles over what they quoted
but nevertheless- checked up on and
verified. I was encouraged by the
mechanics I know, the one installing it and
vast online research to replace these parts
during the install:
Water pump, Thermostat, Timing Belt,
Upper and lower radiator hoses, 5/8 inch
hoses, Wires and Spark plugs.
There were other parts that I saw during my
online research that were recommended
but these were most consistently named.
My question is what other parts are VITAL
to giving a "better chance" for this engine to
not have problems, considering prior
overheating on the last engine? Thank you
so much for any responses.