My 2000 Ford Excursion Limited V10 6.8L 136k turns over but will not start
My son took my Excursion to his cousins. Started fine as always. Goes to leave to head to work and gets two block and the truck dies and he could not get the truck started. Great cranking of the motor but will not fire. I had it towed home and am trying to find the issue w/o going to the dealer. Replaced all fuses and relays based on fuel and ignition. Had battery checked and was a little low trickle charged overnight now at 13.05 volts and plenty of crack no start. Put Bosch OBDii connector on came back w/ -0- codes. I can hear the fuel pump kick in. A mechanic lived right where the truck died and checked several things and said no power to the ignitors. He also said it might be a loose ground or broken wire/bad connection. Replaced the camshaft sensor next is crankshaft sensor. Help, what am I missing here. Bought new fuel filter to replace just in case. Can't find the filter in the frame channels. Spent around $200 in test tools to figure this out. Going to dealer is out of the question as the nearest dealer charges $135 an hour. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated as I am working on this vehicle in the street and it won't move into the garage due to the tow driver refusing to place it there. Sincerely, Thanks in advance for any help!