I have a Hyundai Sonata 2000 the problem is it drives fine but it will not go into second gear
1 Answer
elderly_man answered 11 years ago
Agreed. it is a solenoid shifter- evidently for the 2nd gear. Each gear has its own solenoid shifter. Unsure if tranny needs to drop to replace it, if not, it is a much easier fix. My 2000 Volvo S80 Automatic Turbo 3rd gear solenoid shifter is not working, and I have the code for a solenoid shifter. I would have to drop the tranny to replace it :( Fortunately, this Volvo has an electronic manual shifter, and I can bypass 3rd gear and the light will never come on. Considering there is over 200K miles on the car, this works for me!!!