Have problem filling the gas tank.


Asked by Gerardo Oct 10, 2012 at 08:45 AM about the 1999 Hyundai Elantra GL Wagon FWD

Question type: General

7 Answers

Can you elaborate a little? What happens?

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I can't put gas in the tank without the pump cutting off.

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There is a device near the fill opening, so any gas that does not go in to the tank will flow in to that, instead of spilling on the ground and/or running down the side of your car. That hose connected to it must be unobstructed or the nozzle will think the tank is full. OR, if you use the same gas pump everytime, the problem may be in the vapor recovery line in that hose at the gas station. If that's the case, try holding the nozzle high up in the air as you can for a few seconds, allowing any trapped fuel in that hose to drain.

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I have the same problem, and it happened at two different stations, one with old pumps and one with new. Even at the same station, I do not always use the same pump (they have 8).

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Try filling at 1/2 a tank a few times this may help for a while. I was able to get away with this for some time but than my repair guy had to replace the gas line filter in my car.

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