I am interested in buying the car listed below but I am not experienced with cars. I will be buying used and would like to know what in the best car mileage to effective life span for this model? I am willing to spend about 15000 max.
8 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Buy a MINI. the most fun I've ever had driving in my life owned over 25 cars check my garage and have to say this one does it! Not for haulin' hay bales or cow shit...I've got Ole Bessie for that. Looked like you wanted a 4x4...doin a lot of ice drivin? mini would not be suitable for that....perfectly happy on a California highway. 'bout that money would get you a nice lo mileage one in auto or stick most any color, I'm partial to the british racing green, but wouldn't mind dark olive drab, but the wife thinks military colors are 'icky'~
Can't argue with DiNiro, if you don't buy a MINI you will get the concrete galoshes
A Mini Bob? Really? The guy wants a 300+HP V8 Crossover SUV and you want to put him in a Mini? Well, he can always head over to http://www.infinitiscene.com/ and find out from the owners which years are better.
I thought I was speaking with professional??? I was looking for and honest answers to my question.
You want "professional" go to one of those sites and pay $20, have your credit card ready. Those guys know what they are talking about and there is nothing in this for us except the little bit of satisfaction we get when we help somebody
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
You guys are already dismissing the MINI as being somehow "not proffessional"- You have to drive one....then we'll talk....and Thejon12 WTF?...we make all efforts to please, three question marks???? there now there are four. please overstate your case. Not sure I understooood you.