How do I get my 2005 Jeep liberty back seat Windows to roll down
I just bought a 2005 Jeep liberty
for my teenage grand-daughter...
It's in amazing condition...only
issue so far are that the back
windows will not roll down and in
lieu of that will not roll up... front
windows are fine I look through
the manual it shows #13 fuse
controls the windows but my
thought process is that the fuse
must be okay if the front windows
are working initially I was thinking
there was a separate fuse for
front and back but doesn't seem
to be... In researching I've had
many suggestions regarding the
regulators but again my thought
process is would it be normal for
both regulators on both back
doors to be down at the same
time and no I don't hear a motor
or anything in the panel someone
said something about switches
located at the bottom are there
switches under the panel is there
a switch that turns the windows
on and off from working... I'm a 60
year old female and have very very
limited mechanical knowledge...
Buying insuring and registering a
vehicle has left me with a near
zero balance... If this is something
that can be easily fixed and not
put in a shop for hundreds of
labor hours...if I have found in
past years the less you know the
more taken advantage you get...
Dealers want to charge you an
arm and a leg just to look at it!!
So please if someone can return
an answer in a simple and
detailed manner ... Would be so