Car Leaked Fluid for a bit, Stopped Since.
I left work today to go get something to eat. I went back to work and then i
left not even 5 mins later. I see my car dripping a little bit of coolant. My
coolant is green and ofc a 50/50 mix. I looked where it could be dripping,
and it looked to be the lower radiator hose by the connection to the actual
radiator. There was no leak or spill on top of the hose ofc so I don't know
exactly where the leak came from. I picked it up a bit and made sure there
was no more leaking. I took it slow home and kept an eye on my coolant
temp. It didnt even get past 210 degrees Fahrenheit. It hasn't been leaking
since, not even a drop. I checked my Overfull and it was very low. I added a
50/50 mix to that and had it on full. I tightened the lower radiator hose clamp
a little bit but not too much. My question is, what is going on? If it was a big
leak, wouldn't it keep leaking? I put new paper under it and held em down
just to make sure nothing else leaks. Any help is amazing, and i am so
scared considering im 18, don't have a lot of money, and my car is my only
sort of transport i have.