2005 mazda 6 engine sezied after released from dealership
Asked by Mazda6fail Mar 16, 2017 at 11:53 PM about the 2005 Mazda MAZDA6 4 Dr i Sport Hatchback
Question type: General
Took my car to the dealership to get parts that
were under warranty replaced. After they did a
vehicle inspection checklist and said it was good
to go. The list said all fluids were good and there
were no leaks. 2 weeks later my engine started
knocking and when I checked the dipstick it was
bone dry. And the next morning it was seized. The
dealership said there was nothing they could do so
I reported them to consumer affairs. Consumer
affairs went down there with a copy of the
checklist and they said there was oil in the car and
they did nothing wrong. Now I don't know what to
do. I was recently laid off, I have no car and to
replace engine would wipe out my only savings.
I feel like mazda just ripped me off.
17 Answers
If the oil disappeared that fast there was a problem that should have been repaired under warranty.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
The oil had to go somewhere. Did you see any leak places where you park. Try squirting some kind of bolt & nut penetrating oil or marvel oil or even fuel injection cleaner down in where the spark plugs go and let sit for a while (may take days) just be ready to do a oil & filter change afterwards if it does come unfrozen, best to turn the engine over by hand with a crank wrench, but its been done with the starter by many including me, but starter may not have as much force as man/woman with a breaker bar on a badly froze motor. But if using the starter to try to get it to turn over, it will throw the oils on top the pistons in your face if your standing there looking down at the motor while someone else turns it over (promise ya) with spark plugs out as they need to be during doing this and mark your plug wires where they go. If nothing broke while locking up like a rod breaking off the piston it can come loose and run, yes until all the oils burn off it will smoke bad but do not loose hope it may completely stop smoking and run great, just be sure to do that oil change if and when it does break loose. I've seen it with my own eyes.
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
Thanks for ur response. No leaks or oil on the undercarriage. We put oil inside and it showed on the dipstick. A friend of mine who works at another dealership said lazy mechanics will mark everything on the vehicle checklist to skip it.
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
We even took a video of the first time we checked the oil because of how surprised that nothing came off of the dipstick on a white paper towel
To quote a great man - trust but verify. Check the oil level!
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
I wonder which parts were replaced. I agree the warning system would Lite the dash up like a Christmas tree. Is it possible a foe drained it out, I do not think it would of made it 2 weeks with no oil.
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
Here's the info. When I got the car no dash lights were on. Ill have to check tomorrow in the day time if anything is on.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Nothing they did would of made them have to add or drain the oil so that means it came in very low of oil or was drained after it left during the 2 week period. Seeing that the check engine light was already on and there is not a code for low oil or low oil pressure, if it was so low of oil to be "dry" there would be a code set for it too on their scan so I think it lost the oil after the scan whether it being at the dealership someone drained if so on the drive around they did the check engine light should of came on unless they only drove a block or two but would of came on before you got home, for sure before 2 weeks went by, so soon before it started knocking you lost your oil, it looks like to me and I know shops can make mistakes. In this instance any mechanic can read the fine print here, if it left with no oil you would of had the check engine light on. It also should of began to knock within a short while.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Just to give a example I know someone 7-8 years ago got mixed up with someone that their ex drained the oil from his motor, he jump in his truck got a few miles the check engine light came on, then he saw the oil pressure gauge was bouncing so he pulled over at a gas station checked the oil he had none showing, so he went in bought 2 quarts poured them in checked and still no oil on dipstick so bought 2 more quarts poured them in and it showed almost a quart low so he went back in got another quart poured it in, he thought there is no way he lost 5q oil so he looked under at the oil pan and the drain plug was wet so he checked it and it was finger tight still loose so he tightened it and drove back to where he was and the ex was there and where he parked was a 4ft round oil puddle. Thats how fast a no oil situation happens on the check engine light.
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
Thank u for that response. My cousin came over (idk cars well) and he said the engine sounds like it wasent locked up cuz it was turning over but wouldn't start. And there was no oil light. And I am positive that there hasn't been a light since I left the dealership. And that oil switch or sensor is still on there. He also confirmed that there was no oil leaks or anything on the undercarriage. He was reading everyone's messages and checking stuff out. And my dipstick still has oil from the first day we found out it was dry and put in 4 quarts in. Ps here's a photo from the video i took I was telling u about earlier. The screenshot was right after he wiped the stick on the napkin when it was dry. I got my car back from Mazda on the Feb 10th and the video was shot on Feb 24
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
Yea on the 24th after I checked it I called him over and I told him I was going to record it (he thought I was making a mistake cause i don't know cars well) and when he wiped i it was dry. This was shot before we put in our oil. Unfortunatly it won't let me upload the vid on here
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
It was just to show. No oil and there was no light
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
I hope you get it running and its good again. Keep an eye on the oil level. Also hope the jobs come back around for everybody.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Yea if its not burning it, where did it go? IDK.
Mazda6fail answered 8 years ago
No clue man. Now I'm thinking it might be something with the sensor. And maybe they never checked the stick and went off the warning lights. If the sensor goes out u think it would throw a code?