18 Subaru Outback Smart Key and Alarm
Working on an 18 outback with keyless
ignition. Lost keys. I cant get alarm disabled
to program new smart key. Any suggestions
since I can't turn ignition 4x?? I've tried
battery trick. I pulled out kick cylinder and
turned lock mechanism with a screwdriver to
simulate having the key. Alarm still active. I
have a programmer that is supposed to read
immo and make new dealer key but cant
force ignition or communicate with ecu/bcm
while alarm is active....... also subaru dealer
activated remote start feature via their
programming. It's not really aftermarket but
does have it's own fob???? First I've heard of
this.... guess this could be part of the issue. I
tried to do a smart box reset but it kept
failing. I think it is because of alarm. Can
discharging all electricity as in disconnecting
terminals etc reset alarm???