2003 Mazda Protege Overdrive Question
Asked by Di Oct 23, 2015 at 07:00 PM about the 2003 Mazda Protege LX
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
hello guys :) im having an issue with the overdrive in my mazda. my button has stopped working and the over drive is stuck on off. i tried unpluging the battery for a while to see if it was an issue with the ecu and i wanted to reset everything and that didnt work, also i have no check engine light for it either.... can any one point me in the right direction on where to look for where the issue may possibly lie? thanks very much!!
13 Answers
lynn_delia answered 9 years ago
A good way to test the overdrive is by counting how many gear shifts your car makes in increasing speeds while overdrive is being used. When you turn the overdrive off and your gear doesn't make a downshift, this indicates that the problem is the transmission, not the computer controls, causing light to stay on.
I think i would start by checking the OD switch/button,most of theses are biult in to the blinker stalk,and some in the dash.
If OD off light stays on,as you said it will be in the switch.
lynn_delia answered 9 years ago
if is shifting in and out of over drive ok, I would go with the switch. If not, I would say internal in the transmission. One of the solenoids may be bad.
Thanks guys as far as I know the light just stays on in the dash and the car never shifts out of 3 into 4th (O/D) and the button is on the shifter... I would look in there first?
Illenic,is your engine light on all so?
No the check engine isn't on..
The o/d is actually stuck on off. No 4th gear..
Is there anything I can do at home to look at this?? But how come my o/d switched off by itself it could have stopped working while be on no? Why would it have not been stuck on...?
lynn_delia answered 9 years ago
I've had a couple vehicles that had overdrive issues, and it was always one of the solenoids in the transmission. Sometimes they do not trigger the engine light.. It is possible the switch is bad, but I doubt it. Most transmission shops do free test to tell you what is wrong.
I also had a question about the overdrive. In mine, I noticed that when I turn the over drive "on" the light on my dash says "O/D OFF"???
I had the over drive stuck in the off position with check engine light...i did a tune up ,,oil change new air filters and oil filter new spark plugs.. THe car is running great now and all lights went off by their self.Also my over drive button works now too.. so just saying it might be that