how do i remove the dash on my 2000 mazda 626 ES?


Asked by hdammy685 Sep 06, 2007 at 01:35 AM about the 2000 Mazda 626 ES

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

i need to replace the climate control. i am not much of an auto-do-it-yourselfer, but i was told it is pretty easy. i tried to remove it one time, i removed the two screws that hold the guage cluster and i tried pulling out the whole thing. it partially came out but i didn't want to force it. does the mirror control, the knob that controls the brightness of the dash, the rear defroster, and the hazard light button come out? they seem to be the things preventing the dash from coming out. thanks for any help i can get.

1 Answer


Hi hdammy685, Usually your dash cluster is held in place with screws and clips. If you've already removed the screws then you probably have a couple of "retainer type" clips preventing the cluster from coming out. Once the cluster is free from the dash be sure to label and remove the wiring as this can be damaged if you pull too hard while getting the cluster out of position. Good luck!

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