Getting more Power and speed out of my 1997 Mazda MPV ES 4WD
Asked by saxman Nov 12, 2007 at 11:47 PM about the 1997 Mazda MPV 4 Dr ES 4WD Passenger Van
Question type: Car Customization
Reviews say that the cheap chips don't work. No one that I've talk to yet seems to have any relatively inexpensive way to make this thing go faster. Can I put a more powerful used engine in it, if so, which ones will fit , so I can start looking for it. Thanks!
4 Answers
no on engine,their is no cheep way to make it faster,but you can make it look and sound faster skirts on sides rear bumper and spoiler and front bumper all kits of corse.
littlehorn answered 17 years ago
The MPV is the van, right? I don't think there's much you can do to make this go faster, or be more powerful. You could always add a K&N Air filter, these are supposed to add 5-10 HP, but not much else to do to this.
Guru9ZNKZ6 answered 4 years ago
Saxman here Stage 3 Performance Chip OBDII Module for Mazda Id get me one of these, Dont listen to papa and littlehorn above comments they dont know about tuning a car, for the 2003 Mazda MPV from regular 200WHP to 300+WHP, ICU Chip adds 40WHP, Electric Turbo 60WHP, Air Intakes 15WHP, Exhaust 15WHP mazda/?sku=STAGE3-JDM-MAZDA&gclid=CjwKCAiAq8f- BRBtEiwAGr3Dge_WVDOGz9oKJp1KEd0a11j39KRzyOpAhE9nlfUepybW_LKKFjuRNxoC V-sQAvD_BwE
Guru9ZNKZ6 answered 4 years ago
When I get a 2003 Mazda MPV, ID Super TUNE UP A 2003 Mazda MPV Engine to be faster than the other Newer Vans like Chrysler Pacifica, Town and Country Dodge Caravan, Toyota Sienna Honda Odyssey and Kia Sedona, Tune It Up add a Electric Turbo boost 60WHP, Change the Air Filter into a cold air Intake 15WHP and a Powerful ICU Performance Chip 40WHP Tune v=0XUM6Z7kB4I and change the Exhaust system to boost 15WHP.