report a fraudulent listing

Asked by Charles Aug 28, 2021 at 09:49 PM about the 2018 Honda Accord 2.0T Sport FWD

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

If a dealer has a car price posted on your site including shipping but refuses to
honor that price, what action do you take against them?

6 Answers

They could exclude them from the site. I suspect they have some policy about this but I can't find it and don't know how to get an answer from CG. You would think the site being used for pricing bait and switch would be addressed.

You want CG's to police every single dealer in the country? How exactly could they do that? Not that I am defending CG's or the scummy car dealers but this is a fact of life. Most dealers have fine print in their ads which no one bothers to read.

If you think you have actual proof that would hold up in court you could check your states laws and then complain to the proper authorities.

A little background; The price on CG and the price on their website were the same as they should be. CG scrapes the info and aggerates it. When I asked for a purchase order it was $6000 more than the listed price. VIN on PO matched both CG and their website. (BTW car still listed as of 8/29. My exchange was 8/21) When I said CG and their website numbers don't match the PO the text message stated "the internet no reflect dealers fee." I offered to accept the posted price plus tax. We had a little more back and forth but my offer to pay the listed price was ignored I don't expect CG to police every listing on their site I would like to know if they have a way of addressing dealers abusing their system. I have all the text messages and the PO if they do.

Dealers add on all sorts of fees and you cannot make them take them off. All you can do is say no. There are also taxes and DMV fees which are never included in the price and those are NOT optional.

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