speed sensor in 97 sable


Asked by zoesbob Aug 01, 2016 at 07:38 AM about the 1997 Mercury Sable LS Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Can't find speed sensor in 97 sable can someone
send me a real picture that show exactly where it is.  
These diagrams are no help. Car has the Vulcan v6

2 Answers


WikiAnswers® Categories Cars & Vehicles American Cars Ford Ford Taurus In FORD TAURUS Where is the speed sensor located on a 1997 Ford Taurus? EDIT Answer by Wvafan CONFIDENCE VOTES 4.9K That will dpend on what system we are working on. There are as many as 6 speed sensors. The ABS has 4 sensors, one at each wheel. There are two in the transmission. One is called a TSS(turbine shaft speed) sensor, the other is a VSS(Vehicle Speed Sensor) The TSS is located on the main body of the transmission toward the driver's side, and the VSS is located on top of the output shaft housing on the passenger's side of the vehicle.

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