Can u tow a fwd car if one of the front wheels has a bad ball joint?
Hey there. I'm in a wicked jam and I need
some expertise please! My bf parked his
Mitsubishi Lancer (old but don't know what
year. Has to be 10+ yrs) in front of my place
and I didn't know it was a no parking zone
from 4-6pm. He is currently detained and
has the key on him and I need to have it
towed to his house. The catch is besides not
having the key, that the front left ball joint is
about to go. The tow guy said that bc of that
he'd need to take it on a flatbed but to do
that he'd need the key. Any ideas here? I
need to get it to safety before IT gets thrown
in the pound too! Please someone, any help
or advice is appreciated. This is way too
much for me to handle.