Smoke coming out of the air vents

Asked by GuruTQGWZ Jul 08, 2018 at 09:03 PM about the 2004 Mitsubishi Diamante 4 Dr VR-X Sedan

Question type: General

Hi there is smoke coming out of the air vents my
wife was driving and I was at work  its a Mitsubishi
Magna 2004 she said it smells has any one else
had this problem or can any one know where I can
start looking for athe problem

3 Answers


If it smells like coolant then you have a leaky heater core. But in hot humid weather we're having, it might be foggy, moist air coming from the A/C. To tell the difference, turn off the A/C (including Defrost) and see if it stops. If it stops, then it was the A/C causing the fog. Your heater core is okay.

1 people found this helpful.

If it smells like electrical it may be an overheated heater motor. Any electric motor runs hot before the bearings seize up and burns out. Turn off heater motor and see if smoke stops. And if it smells like oil, then your engine may have an oil drip hitting the exhaust and getting sucked into the cabin air duct....air for the heater comes mostly from outside. That's all I can think of. Good Luck

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