battery and brake light on?
So, yesterday when I was leaving the store my car sounded like the battery
was dying when I would try and start it and I had to get a jump to get it
going. the wierd thing is that after I got my car started my tachometer
stopped working, my speedometer was going crazy when I would use the
brakes and my battery light and brake light stayed on the entire time while I
was driving. On the way home on the free way it was like my battery died
but my car was still running (barely). My lights or brake lights wouldnt work
my radio was dead and all needes were at 0.. nothing electrical would work
at all. Once I got my car home I plugged a charger up to the batter and it
charged my battery so now my car turns on, but the battery light and brake
light continue to stay on? Can anyone give me any advice! My car is my life
line and I cant have it die out on me right now!! I'm desperate!