Ignition wont shut car off?


Asked by Bobby_65 Mar 22, 2020 at 11:27 PM about the 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 4 Door Hardtop Sedan RWD

Question type: General

What causes my 65 Ford galaxie to continue to try
and start if the key is off ?I have to disconnect the
battery to stop it

7 Answers

A bad starter solenoid could do that or maybe a bad ignition switch.

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Yeah the old solenoid didn't work so put the new one on and turned the key and it turned over but couldn't turn it off by the key

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The solenoid could be bad or maybe you wired it wrong? https://itstillruns.com/wire-ford- solenoid-5714287.html

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Like FOR said, you could have gotten a defective solenoid. I work for Napa and we get a lot of the Ford starter solenoids back defective! Hope that helps! Jim


You said TRY to start. Does it start and just keeps cranking? Try switching the two small wires on the solenoid . One is from ign switch other is to coil for more voltage while cranking.

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