Ford Customline Questions Any type
Heater Blower Motor Wiring Diagram For A 1954 Ford Car
I have purchased a 1954 Ford car, the wiring to the heater fan motor were disconnected. I found the motor needed repair, which has been completed, and now I need to know what is required to reconnec...
Clutch Pedal Won't Return On My 1954 Ford Customline
I have a 1954 ford customline and it was running fine but recently when I drove it to drop off my wife my pedal won't return and it squeeks when the pedal is in also I drove it like a mile like tha...
Ford Saffpire
Petrol not coming in carbarator when petrol trow in carbarator start and dy ford sappfire
Wheel Spacing Information For 1952 Ford Customline
Looking to put cragar wheels on my 1952 ford fordor customline. How do I determine wheel back space, front space, etc.?
When Motor Gets Hot The Motor Loses Power
My 1997 mark 111 can gets hot and loses power
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