I can't get my check engine lite to go off or give me a code. I have cleared the computer several times and even tried 2 other computers with the same part # and my origanal prom...HELP!!
5 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
Did you overfill the gas tank? when you retrieved the codes did it say anything about "evap~"? because this is a common problem....you must stop at the first click and do not try to TOP OFF...it's like holdin' baby underwater....system needs to breathe and will take a while to clear this code~ get a 17 dollar tester and read the codes and "clear codes" which will give the option....this one will give you an evaporative error code~...clear codes with this one~
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
you know a corroded ground connection "brown out" with the ground, which does happen creating a "semi-conductor" layer of corrosion...and must be wirebrushed clean so the system can realize the full 12 volts potential and the steady amperage from the chassis ground~varying amperages can screw with the ECU's ability to make the right decision...NO codes, yet illumination?...that there is a prime example...get the ground free of crud (created by the 300 or more cold cranking amps) goin' through there from repeated demands for the juice for the startermotor~