so.. ive braught a 1990 toyota corona 2.0 carbied model. it will start and run fine for 1 minute only it then sounds like its struggling for fuel and stalls. will fire up after 40 seconds of winding.


Asked by crappycorona Jun 11, 2016 at 12:32 AM about the 1990 Toyota Corona

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

car has a new alternator and distributor. the battery light stays on all the time.
im thinking its an electrical fault. any ideas ? tia

7 Answers


every time it starts it will run for 1 minute and 24 seconds unless i spray fuel down the carby. proves very difficult to drive it down the road..

1 people found this helpful.

thanks for ya answer i will look for a second hand carby. some times it sounds like it has a gut full of fuel and struggles to turn over sort of sounds like the timing is out. wait 10 minutes and she starts straight up for a minute

1 people found this helpful.

think i might have to bite the bullet and send it in to the shop. car only cost me $200

1 people found this helpful.

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