where is the car alarm located on my 1990 dodge dynasty?
i bought this car and it didn't have the lil car alarm on/off key chain with it, so i was wandering if anyone knows how i can cut the alarm cable? and where it is?
4 Answers
if you have the factory key and say the alarm goes off put keyswitch this will also turn off alarm a replacement key wont work.sorry put key in switch.do not cut any wires,that could be bad.
littlehorn answered 17 years ago
Yes, have a Dodge dealer disconnect it, it should be fairly simple, however, you don't want to cause any problems with other systems on the vehicle. In a 1990 Dynasty this shouldn't be too much of a concern.
I have the same problem with my 89 dynasty and have asked around and found that there ia no way to turn it off. My alarm was keeping it from starting because I did not know that you had to put the key in the PASSENGER door side to disingage the alarm, otherwise the anti-theft mechinism built in by the dealership kept it from starting up and it was always acting as if it was out of gas and somebody FINALLY figured that one out!
If the key wae removeand the wires to it , what could go bad