I have an electric starter on my envoy and now it wont start
8 Answers
First make sure your battery terminals are tight and clean. Clean your main ground from the battery. If it still will not start, get a volt meter and see how many volts your battery is putting out with the engine off. If less than 12 volts, replace battery. If battery and connections appear good, you most likely have a bad starter. If you can get some help, try the following. Jack up vehicle. Locate starter. Have someone hold the key to the ON position like they're starting the vehicle. Rap on the starter with a hammer as someone holds the key to the ON position. If the starter suddenly kicks over, it is in need of replacement. If you get the vehicle started, either drive straight to the shop, or to the auto store and pick up a new starter. DO NOT shut the vehicle off. If it doesn't start again, you will be stuck in the parking lot and have to get it towed.
Could it be just a fuze or relay fuze or switch thing by chance?
You can check your fuses and relays. Your starter relay should be under the hood fuse box. Look under the cover for a schematic. Should be labeled. If the original starter, it would be about time for it to go. It is almost 11 years old.
Is the theft light on? If not check the relay ,by hearing it click,if its good check if power is getting to the starter with a test light with thr key on the on position if it is not check for any loose connections or rip or corroded wire,make sure the ground is tight and to the right spot,if power is getting to it then its the starter
Make sure the connection is tight on the electronic plug that comes out of the plastic on the top right of the engine.
2008 Envoy Denali. Stalled out while driving. Wouldn't start back (wouldn't even crank). Wouldn't come out of park. I've replaced the key switch, battery, and starter. Still having problems.
Can someone tell me how to get a starter off of a GMC envoy 5.3 L motor it’s tight down by the frame in the transmission