Why will my car start but won't continue running ????????


Asked by Catmay Aug 09, 2015 at 10:58 PM about the 1996 Honda Accord

Question type: Car Customization

So I just bought a 1996 Honda Accord off
craigslist . It has about 256k miles on it. Car
hasn't given be any issues and I've been
driving it for about a week. I just recently had
my radio installed. The guy couldn't get any
power to the radio so he used the ground
wire to get power and it begin to work. I had
no problems starting the car and I was able
to drive it all that day. And I drove it to work
the next day listening to music as if all was
fine. When i would turn my car off and even
take the key out however the radio would
still be on, I had to literally hold the power
button to have it turn off. That day when I
got off work around two I picked up a friend
and he looked at my car for me before we
went too far in it. He put coolant in it, water
in it and we began to drive on the freeway.
My check engine light went off but came
back on eventually. Then when we were on
the freeway the car gave out. We were still
moving and even able to exit the freeway
and pull over to park but when he would
push on the gas it wouldn't give.  we
couldn't figure out why it gave out . He then
noticed how my radio was set up and he
said maybe the ground wire blew everything
out. He said it could of blew up, and that it
blew up fuses . We got a jump from
someone and the car started we were able
to drive and I parked where we could grab
something to eat. Just to be sure after sitting
parked for a while I started it up again to
make sure it would start and it did. But then I
tried again when we were actually ready to
leave and it wouldn't fully start. It wanted to
kick over but it wouldn't. Even after receiving
another jump it served no justice. He then
looked further into the car and said oil was
leaking somewhere. He changed the gasket
and cleaned out the oil he changed the work
plugs and everything . Car still won't start.
He thinks the ignition switch is blown, and
the fuses are shot. What could it be? And
did it have anything to do with coolant being
added cause I was driving with my car fine
until he put that in. And was it wrong to have
used the ground wire to install the radio with
no amp? Please help.

6 Answers


Im thinking that the direct fire from the wire he used is draining your battery,even when it is off,it should be hooked up when you cut off igintion it goes off,and him using a ground can cause other issues with your electrical system,have it fixed proper,or you could even damage the ECM/brain in the car.

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T_S_T is right about your radio. But what exactly do you mean when you say the car won't start? Is it cranking over and not firing up, or do you turn the key and get nothing? Adding coolant wouldn't prevent the car from starting.What was leaking oil, and what gasket was changed? Not that an oil leak would stop the car from running either. Just trying to figure out what parts were changed out.

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It cranks up and even fires up but it shuts off it just won't stay running. My friend believes I need a new ignition switch he said when he took the steering wheel off that it was pure black and that the fuses will be costly cause the big ones were blown.

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Well t_s_t my friend removed the ground plug after discovering that's how the mechanic hooked my radio up. And not only that my radio was extremely hot. But is it too late? Could the plug have cause some damage to the rest of my car and that's why it's not working? Cause it was working fine like I said before I had the radio installed. I don't think it's my battery cause it comes on and my friend said he doesn't think it's my alternator, and he put in new spark plugs cause the old ones were ruined . So ugh I don't know what it could be. I may have to get it towed but I'm just wondering is it even worth getting fixed or should I just junk it?

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