What's wrong? How do I fix? How much is it going to hurt my wallet?
My blue banshee (that's what I named my van
since that's what it sounds like everytime she goes
slow from a stop) is acting more temperamental
than usual and it may be time to send her to the
final resting place of broken down vehicles. I turn
the ignition, the park indicator is solid, the D4
indicator is flashing. It revvs on its own while in
park. She lurches forward while driving. She
quickly overheats and starts smoking near the oil
tank. Even after I just put 3 litres of oil into her. The
squeeling is probably a loose alternator, but the
rest I have no clue. Thought it was the oil, but no
indicator light came on until after I put oil in and
then only briefly as I turned her on. The heater also
no longer works. After she starts smoking she
soon dies, but restarts once cooled back down.