windshield wiper fluid full but will not come out
3 Answers
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
Buy a replacement pump $10-15 auto parts store.
If you hear the motor running you won't need a new one. Odds are if you're putting tap/ hose water in the washer reservoir tank the spray holes are clogged with calcium deposit due to the lack of the filtering of the tap/ hose water. Get a small sewing needle or safety pin to poke the spray holes clean of the build up.
Snuffy4995 answered 8 years ago
If you hear the pump motor, and it is not fixed by clearing spray holes with pin, the clog is in the rubber hose. find the Y connector under the hood insulation, and blast compressed air both towards the nozzles and towards the reservoir. Hold it tight and rejoice when you hear low- growl bubbling and overflow of the fluid from the reservoir.