what pan is this , and does it have to be refilled


Asked by rodeo86 Jan 06, 2015 at 12:34 AM about the 2001 Isuzu Rodeo

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

have 2001 isuzu rodeo 2.2L automatic, and im currently replacing the transmission
gasket for the pan that  has the drain plug and fill plug, upon me doing this i discovered
another pan that sets infront of this pan except it just alot smaller and has a
rectangluar shape. I see they make a gasket for it and they call it the transmission oil
pan.. since i dropped my transmission pan and replaced gasket does that affect the
smaller pan if i choose not to replace the gasket and what are the contents in the
smaller pan?

13 Answers


Are you sure it's a pan and not the transmission filter? Change the filter

1 people found this helpful.

yea im sure it not a filter, i already change the filter, the filter is actually located where the drain plug and refill plug for tranmission fluid

1 people found this helpful.

So it's not this? http://www.amazon.com/FT1170-Internal-Transmission-Cartridge-Filter/dp/B000C33L42

1 people found this helpful.

I think I know what you're referring to. It's the valve body of the transmission, what I like to call the brain. There are probably a dozen bolts holding it in place. It has channels, holes, pistons, springs, check balls, etc that guide ATF through it which enables the transmission to shift.

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yea i believe we have the same understanding as far as what is is, can the gasket be changed and does it contain any liquid if so does that substance need to be change dure to the fact that i changed transmission fluid

3 people found this helpful.

im going tto send you a picture in a few of exactly what im talking about.. give me a few.. you really been a great help.again thanks

1 people found this helpful.

I just found a manual for your transmission. It's a pdf http://scottj.info/files/isuzu/4l30e.pdf

7 people found this helpful.

the smaller pan to the right hand side of the photo is the one i had a the question about

2 people found this helpful.

That is the overdrive housing. I've never seen anything like it.

1 people found this helpful.

Page 2 on this link. You can see the rectangular bottom of the piece http://www.automaticchoice.com/uploads/producten/pdfs/Catalogue/4l30e.pdf

2 people found this helpful.

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