Why won't my vehicle run
1 Answer
How to check for abnormal draw on battery? Turn ignition to off position and remove the key. Check to make sure everythng is off inside the car. There is always a keep alive current being drawn by the radio (channel keeper) and the clock. Disconnect positive (+) battery terminal...connect a multimeter set to measure DC amperes on a 200 or 300 miliamperes scale.Connect the meter between the battery terminal and the battery positive pole..(get the polarity right or the meter will mark backwards)..When you first make the coneection the meter will read upwards of 200 mills hold the meter connected for 40 or 60 seconds and the meter should drop down to below 40 mills ...some SF's will go as low a 25 mills. This drop is caused by the computer going into sleep more. If the reading remains high..200 or 300 mills will drain the battery overnight,and you will have to do some fuse pulling to find the culprit. HOWEVER if you charge the battery and it works good for a day or two...I would recheck the alternator. This is easy: with the motor stopped get a multimeter (VOM) and check the baterry voltage...make a note of it--.....then start the engine and recheck the battery voltage, it shoiud be 2 or 3 volts higher than the first measurement. If it is higher this points to a battery problem and it is not higher then you have an alternator related problem. Good Luck.