check engine light stays on my 2002 kia sportage
5 Answers
If the codes came back then the issue is still occurring.What where the code?
I've had the same problem for about three years. Everything's been checked. My local guy gave up. It is now at a Kia dealer being looked at, though they "fixed" it three years ago, only for it to come back. The local guy said it was coming up as condensation in the gas line. I put in high octane, additive, rerplaced the gas cap, etc., - no change.
check your air filter,if it's dirty,,,your gas cap might be leaking,,same problem with my 2000 spectra hatchback also check the gas you are using,might not be enough for your car(octane)
My kia sportage 2002 when on the key swich never show up check engine light, wats the problem? Car cannot start
I have a 2008 Kia Rondo. I had the same problem with the check engine light coming on all the time. I would get the codes and then reset the check engine light. My car would shake, run very rough and even the transmission would not work correctly. I replaced the 02 sensor in bank 1 (front of the catalectic converter), replaced the MAF Sensor only to find the light back on again. Well being a woman and to top it off, Polish (no disregard to anyone-sense of humor), I finally figured out what the problem was myself. I was using LOW GRADE GAS (87 octane). Seeing the MAF sensor states that there is too much air and not enough octane going to the engine. I purchased a can of engine cleaner and went to the closest gas station and filled it up with 94% gas/octane. Reset the engine light and have not had a problem since. Try using higher octane gas and your problem will go away. Mine did :)