My 2005 Lincoln LS blows the #6 fuse in the fuse box, an E appears in the area where the gear you're in normally shows, cruise control stops working and the car goes into either 3rd or 4th gear and won't change into anything other than reverse. Any ideas as to what is causing this to happen?


Asked by viki9854 Feb 23, 2017 at 05:30 PM about the 2005 Lincoln LS

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

This started in August of 2016 and has been going on ever since.  It's been in
several garages and none of the mechanics have been able to find the
problem.  Can someone please help?

1 Answer


A master transmission tech on another site gave us the solution. It was the lower intake runner valve causing the short. He said that it could be either, but it's usually the lower and to just unplug and test one and then the other to determine which one was the problem. We replaced both of them because we figured that if one went bad, the other one was probably going to go soon, too.

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