9 Answers
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
In my State of Alabama You have to have the title in the owners name without it being filled out on the back like you would think it should be since it has those lines on back for their names ect. and you have to have a signed both seller & buyer, dated & witnessed bill of sale written with the Vin and amount sold for and the sellers name had to match that on the title pefectly. The amount to put in your name depends on sold amount but is the same charge for anything about $1500 and under is the same cost base amount I think here it was $30-35. Its the tag & registration that cost. here Its about $100.00, and if you have no insurance you do not get tag & registration approval, and liability which is the minimum you have to have and it cost about $60 a month. Your state may be different
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Then every year your auto is taxed and you have to pay a certain amount for tag sticker for the next year. This tax is based on their own estimates of your cars worth and its not what you think its worth. Newer cars are hit the hardest it could be 3-4 hundred or more down to I think the least I have seen about $40.00.
I stay in Nashville I just havemailed the title is don't have aye bill sale or nothing in I we both sign the back
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Idk how Tennessee does it but if they allow mail in which I have not heard about hear in AL then they may say on the website how to send it in.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
If you mailed in already then if its wrong I am sure you will get it back with instructions or explanation on what you need. I did sell a VW Bug to a man one time in TN and he came back to get something done so I did it the way we do and it was wrong so maybe I had to sign the title so you are O.K. maybe.
In some states, like ours, if a vehicle comes from out of state it must be inspected (for Vin number verification) by local law enforcement before titled ownership can be transferred. That is a good way for them to make an extra $20.00. Not sure if this applies in this case or not.
Call whatever agency it is in your state that administers automobile registration and ask them. The information if probably not classified as top secret.