Heater not working right
Asked by Deanna Nov 28, 2018 at 02:36 PM about the 2001 Toyota Corolla
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
In my 01 Toyota Corolla the heat will work and then
it blows cold air if you sit there and the knob that
turns from hot to cold switch it back and forth a
whole bunch of times it'll start blowing warm air
again it's got to smell that comes out of it also I've
had the heater core flushed it's not stopped up at
the thermostat changed I don't know what the
problem is when you turn that hot and cold not
back and forth you can hear it moving
5 Answers
Blend door actuator behind the dash. Also look at your heater control valve in the engine bay right at the firewall. Manually controlled
Focus on this manual heater control valve from your description. Open hood and have someone turn this knob. You will see what I am talking about. Car can be off. It has a cable going through the firewall to this valve. It lets warm coolant into your heater core.
Just looked up a part at orielly’s. Murray 74850 heater control valve. $46.99. It is a simple change out. Fits 2001 Corolla.
Nowitness4u2c answered 6 years ago
Indeed it was the linkage to the control knob. I flipped it back and forth a few times and heard a soft clank. That did the trick. Thanks!