92 toyoya camry 2.2L
My 92 toyota camry has been giving me problems
starting . My mechanic can't even tell me why. I
have no check engine light on, all lights come up
when in accesory . Replaced fuel pump, distributor,
then replaced distributor rotor thinking i might of
boughten a defective one still giving me problems.
My battery and starter are fine. I do know that my
ics is gone but that wouldnt be the reason my car
wont start. It also has spark. Please can anyone
think of why it wont start. Its usually in the morning
it wont start . or if i leave it sitting for hours and try
to start it it wont. Once the cars warm and i can get
it running it will start back up . Please any ideas , i
just want to find out for sure what the problem is
so i can fix it. Finding the problem has been my
biggest issue yet.