I have a 07 Impala (3.5 liter) with an engine knock at 1000 to 1500 rpm. It has been in the Dealer shop 3 times with no resolution. I have been advised to drive intil the noise gets worse! Any other notations or complaints. The car has 2200 miles? Dealer thinks it might be coming from the exhaust manifold??
I have a 07 Impala (3.5) with an engine knock at 1000 to 1500 rpm. It has been in the Dealer shop 3 times with no resolution. I have been advised to drive until the noise gets louder. (which it is!) The car has 2200 hundred miles and I have bought it new 6 weeks ago. (With no noise when purchased.) GM tech support has not given the Dealer a solution. A file has been started on this car. The dealer seems to think the knock is coming from the exhaust manifold? GM tech service Told the dealer to purge the cooling system, which they did with no solution?
Don Mach
Lincoln Nebraska