99 toyota camry


Asked by Letrell07 Jun 17, 2016 at 11:50 PM about the 1999 Toyota Camry

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 99 camry....starts but wont stay
running....it pulled up 5 codes but the codes it
pulled up won't keep it from running...so they told
me I need a computer cause it was sending false
signals....so I brought another one
and it still does the same thing...watch a few
videos...bout cleaning the iac valve,and throttle
body...and it did help....now since I cleaned both I
can get a low idle.....but that's it...checked
plugs,fuel pressure,wires,fuses,iac valve....now I
did get a used computer but.....I don't think it's the
computer.....if you can help I would greatly
appreciate it....

3 Answers


So the DTC codes were keeping it from running? Start over locate a good service center have it scanned for codes....again. Oh, make sure you have the original correct computer back in the vehicle...IF it was ever removed? post the codes, along with the fuel pressure Psi at the fuel rail. A good basic start of diagnostics. Regards


Beware when the tech says: "I think it needs a new computer" it really means "I think you need a new mechanic" look, do some maintenance on your car, do the work the codes suggest- when cars get over 10 years old, they need attention- when maintenance is deferred, and the car stops running it is usually a pile of problems causing the affliction- but folks want to have a simple answer and an easy fix- like cars are magic, or somethin'

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