Would like to ask where is the location of my toyota corolla 98 model lovelife power window fuse.?
7 Answers
RF kickpanel up under the instrument panel or behind the glove compartment area, for a/c moonroof and windows. resettable circuit breaker? remove and reset with a paperclip?
http://justgivemethedamnmanual.com/toyota/1998-toyota-corolla-owners-manual Fuse cavity #18 left of steering wheel behind flip-down coin-holder
18. GAUGE 10 A: Gauge and meters, buck−up lights, air conditioning system, power windows, rear window defoggers
Danny I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and your answers. On this one I politely disagree
#18 is the third one down on left. 17 is top, then an unused cavity and 18 is under that
They changed it on me them lil arigatos, hahaha thats easier access than they were before.
We had a camry at church and it took me awhile to get the window up. they were circuit breakers like i described. i must have been recalling that, and the corollas i see now, they are pre 92 so six years of cars, but also produced in america rather than the imports I know. Thanks for the update, faster than me looking up the research. I thank you,(bowing from the waist)