caprice classic convt stock 454 production numbers ?
My father is passing away from heart problems, he is giving me his 1975 chevrolet caprice classic convertible with a STOCK 454 /numbers matching car.......can anyone please let me know some info on this car or can you direct me to someone who knows about this car, someone told me they only produced 11 of these cars with stock 454 and is appreciated !!!
4 Answers
WheelerDealer answered 18 years ago
I can't find any production number info, sparty, but according to this listing:, convertibles with the 454 are rare. Good luck finding more info, and very sorry about your father.
the 454 in those cars is far from anything with muscle. I believe they were rated at about 215 hp. This engine went from a Rat motor to a pig . being that it was a gas gussler with no horse power. It should have dual exhaust. What condition is it in ? they are nice cruising cars .
Google is your friend. You will get a lot of information and pictures on this subject. In 1975, gas was not a major concern yet, and a lot of the big motors were ordered and sold.