1500 cc air cooled engine ran then stalls when driving. What is the issue?


Asked by 356PORSCHELVR Jul 12, 2017 at 06:41 PM about the 1970 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 1500 cc air cooled engine in a porsche replica and the thing has
never ran properly. I've had it since 1997 and it only has 580 miles on it (not
a new engine) as it has never ran properly so it was in storage. I pulled it out
of storage, put new tank, fuel filter, rebuilt carburetor, new points,new coil
(accel) new plugs, new spark plug wires, hired a pretty good mechanic (he
rebuilt the carb for me) but he recently told me to install an electric ignition in
the distributor and I had just put in new points???? I finally go the car to fire,
idling good and drove it about three miles and when turning around it stalled.
I tried to crank it and it finally cranked and I was able to get it home inside
the gate and it stalled in the drive way, I let it sit for a while had a hard time
cranking it but it finally cranked so I stuck it back in the shed. Went out the
next day with my 11 year old and re-routed the fuel filter and fuel lines away
from the manifold (to solve any possibility of vapor lock). It was still hard to
get it to crank but finally did and adjusted the idle and fuel mixture and the
car idled perfectly even while increasing the RPMs with the gas pedal and
letting off. But to my demise I found one spark plug wire damaged so I
replaced all 4 and guess what. The car will not crank!!!! I really need some
help with this as I can't keep replacing everything and it still not work. I
probably will but I really want to enjoy this car. Any thoughts would be greatly
appreciated and I do live in south Florida where it is hot. Please let me know
if you have any thoughts. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing
something back soon

1 Answer

I would check for vacuum leaks and double check the ignition timing. If this was my car I would pull the engine and go through it completely.

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