How to open 07 enclave 2nd row seats when out of vehicle.
I bought some 07 enclave 2nd row seats to
go in another vehicle. They are buckets.
They are closed and I can’t open them.
Does the back of the brackets have to be
locked in to be able to open them.
2 Answers
I would try mounting them on boards or plywood so you can stand on the wood and you should be able to pull them open
If you are not familiar with the operation, the seats have 3 functions. (1) on the outside front of the seat is a release that allows the seat to slide forward and back. (2) the lever on the upper part of the seatback tilts the seatback forward, and releases the back of the seat bottom (up) and the seat assembly slides forward for entry into the 3rd seat. note..if you wanted this function you would need to duplicate the factory floor slides. (3) the strap on the side of the seat, releases the seatback (the headrest folds forward) so the seat will fold flat..... your seat is probably in this position.