I have a 1998 chevy silverado. Less than one month ago the truck died while driving and had to replace the fuel pump. Today the same exact thing happened. It will turn over but will not crank. Pressin
I have a 1998 chevy silverado. Less
than one month ago the truck died
while driving and had to replace the
fuel pump. Today the same exact
thing happened. It will turn over but
will not crank. Pressing the gas does
nothing. Replaced the fuel pump
again & still would not crank.
Listened to see if I could hear the fuel
pump come on & I could not. So
replaced the fuel pump again in case
of a malfunction, along with putting a
new fuel pump relay fuse in. Still
nothing changed. Still do not hear
the fuel pump turn on. Banged on
the gas tank with a rubber hammer,
nothing changed. Checked the wires
connected to the fuel pump to make
sure they had power. All of the wires
were hot except one (it is the purple
wire). Tried to follow the wires to the
engine to see if if was hot where it
was connected but had no way to tell
where. Was unable to find where it
connects to the engine. Could this be
my problem? Or something more to
why the pump is not turning on.
What else could I check? Please
help. No machanics available over
the weekend. & not wanted to put in
the shop without knowing how much
money I going to be spending.